Sunday, November 17, 2013

Greek God - Dionysus

Here is the Greek God of Excess Dionysus.

I played with leopard skin for his accessories, now I just need to draw him a pet leopard.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Greek Gods - Hephaestus the Smith God

Hello fans!

I got this drawing done last week, but haven't had time to scan it and post it.

This is my Hephaestus/Vulcan, the Greek God of the Smith. He made all the Gods weapons, and controls volcanoes. He is supposed to be lame, having had his legs broken when he was thrown down from Olympus, but screw that noise. I am giving him nice metallic legs, and making him super ripped, since he is working on all those weapons/armor constantly.

Enjoy this post, and come back next week to see my new Eros, the God of Lust.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Check out my X-Men dress me magnet samplers!

I have been posting some of my old Flash works on Y!Gallery at the link above. These were the samplers I had for my X-Men dress me magnets sets. I cant get the flash to post correctly on my blogger profile, so go check out my gallery to play with the pieces.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Greek Gods - Hermes Line Art

It's been a little longer between my newest posts. I have been a little busy lately with a new job. I will have to wait until my next couple days off to try and bust through some more of my drawings.
For now though, at least I had Hermes ready to post.

Hermes, the messenger God, patron of travelers, guests, and thieves. His winged staff, sandals and hat are his most recognizable features. I will be looking forward to coloring him in later.

Next time I will post my line art for Hephaestus the God of the hearth and metallurgy.

Stay tuned :)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Zodiac - Gemini

Here is to all you Gemini out there. Twins are hot!
Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Greek Gods - Apollo line art

Got Apollo done!

The Greek God of the Sun and Music and Medicine was always a young hunter. From his first myth, tracking down the python that tried to kill him and his twin sister Artemis, Apollo was one hell of a shot.

Because of this fact, I see him not wielding a sword like his half brother Ares, but adorned with his bow and golden flame arrows.

Thanks for checking back and stay tuned for more Greeks to come.

Next week, Hermes!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Greek Gods - Eros in color

Re-posting my older work, Eros, for this recent string of new Greeks I have been working on. His new design is already roughed out. Check back to see the newer design soon!


Greek Gods - Ares line art

Presenting Ares the God of War!

The design for Ares was a lot of fun, got to gear him out and make his helmet. Cannot wait to paint him all in.
Enjoy Ares, and stay tuned for Apollo next week!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Boy Bomb

 This drawing was from an old sketch left unfinished long ago. I dusted this drawing off, digitized the sketch, and gave it a colorjob, with a playful little background.

 Wanted to post this just for fun, looking forward to trying this methods with my new Greek drawings I have been working on lately.

 Enjoy the post, and keep your eye out for more updates!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Greek Gods - Hades Line Art

As you can see, I recycled my hero drawing into one of the Gods, into Hades the God of the Dead and Ruler of the Underworld!

Now you may notice that you can see his body through his cape, that is intentional. It will be more apparent in the colored version.

He has his cape and cowl, a very dark and mysterious figure. adorned with more decorative jeweled metallic fletchets. He is obviously going to be pale, and in darker colors, black most prominently, grey, and his accents will be purple/violet in hues.

I think I may give him a staff in the next drawing I do of him. He deserves a nice accessory. One with a character all it's own.

Enjoy Hades, and keep checkign back for mreo drawings.

I will be saving a new update for next week. Ares, God of War.

Until next time, thanks for checkign out my work!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Prints of Blue Grey artwork now for sale on Etsy!

Want your own print of my artwork?
Naked Comic Book characters?
Greek Gods?
Well now you can order prints of my illustrations on Etsy. My account is open now, with a test starter of a classic Illustration of mine.

Check it out after the jump, and please order if you are interested in supporting my work! More money coming in from sales of my work will mean I have more time to spend creating more stuff for you to be tempted with purchasing ;)

Thanks fans!

More to come!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Heroes - 1st post

This template was the first drawing I used for a project I have had in the works for a few years, and is something I have tentatively called "My Hero."

 This super-hero based project is an adaptation of all the super-hero worlds and characters I have grown up loving, and finding incredibly alluring and attractive. All those heroes who I had crushes on growing up have inspired my designs and character back stories.

 This series of posts will be devoted to the characters and designs I have created in anticipation of the stories and sequential art I hope to create soon.

 This drawing started this whole project. My

 More to come!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Greek Gods - Poseidon line art

Here is  Poseidon in all his wet glory. I finished his line work and got him scanned, and ready for blogging.

He is still missing some line detail in his cape. I intend that to be a net, and I think I will save that for later, and will draw it in with pure color.

Poseidon, God of the sea. I see him of course wearing very little, gotta be hydro-dynamic after all... he get's a big sword/dagger + holster attached to his belt, his Trident of course, some shell clips, his mithra, and his net cape. I drew him a little sea shell horn on his far hip. You can only see the end sticking out from his thigh. I am thinking that would be his horn to call upon all the beasts and crackens of the sea he controls.

 I decided to morph his legs into something almost fin like. Extra steering and control underwater. Most of the gods could change their shapes at will, so why not make use of that for the god who lives in the more fluidic environment.

I'll be coloring him later and sharing more versions as I go.

Next week I will have one more line art preview to share. Hades, God of the Underworld. I am working on a project for my mainstream art, and will have tons to do for that the next couple weeks, but I have already got more drawings of Gods to come, so please keep checking back.

Thanks again!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Greek Gods - Zues line art

2013 is here, and I have sorely neglected my blog this past year. With spring here, I have begun to work on old projects again.

Can't go wrong with the Greeks, so I have settled on a project to draw 10 of the Greek Gods and get them fully colored and posted here. Once these are drawn, my next step would be possibly the Goddesses, or maybe some monsters. We will see how things go with this project.

The line work for my first drawing is finished, and ready for digitizing. I will add more details strictly in color, and post the results later.

Here is Zues, King of the Gods.

I am giving their designs belts, with little fletchets made of metal of leather and encrusted jewel studs. Plus they each get a snug little pouch for their godly junk :)

More to come! I've already got Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Hephaestus, Apollo, Hermes, Eros, Dionysus and Herakles drawn rough and near completion!


Friday, August 26, 2011

Silver Surfer

This was a drawing I did of Silver a few years ago that I recently digitized and colored. I wanted to give him a cuter surfer boy look, and decided he needed a mop hairdo. Add some micro shorts and some silver rendering, and voila, this is what I got.

~Mr Blue